graphical blog 2

Filed under: Blender, WebGL, 3d, network, news, software developement

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After a first article on WebGL, I come back on this topic for real usage.

Use in dev version of WebGL on Fennec (mobile firefox), go in about:config, fiter webgl, switch webgl.force-enable to true

On Linux plateform, no problem with Nvidia or ATI proprietary driver. On intel you should use Mesa 8.0. It’s available for ubuntu on ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa

* Firefox 11 (beta) and a plugin for older version called Tilt allow to see in 3d web pages structures accelerating vizualisation, interaction and bug finiding for webmasters.

Pyppet – WebGL Streaming blender< =>WebGL allow a realtime WebGL rendered visualisation in web browser of a scene in modelization process pipled from Blender.

minifier of GLSL files allow to comprress the size of a GLSL script, and then to accelerate web transfert and reduce bandwith.

As I thinked of WebGL as a good tool for some vizualisation in Wikipedia, Google, done an anatomic vizualisation tool. It allow in démos to see a human corpse with ZygotBody and a cow with Google Open-3d-viewer. Code source is available at Project page.

Augmented Reality sample from firefox project.

Cloudmach cloud WebGL games plateform

Seriously.js, realtime compositing on a vidéo. a nice demo.

Crazy bugs a nice puzzle.

Using WebGL for vector and 2D bitmap rendering and use fast and energy efficient hardware acceleration in interactve appliactions : WebGL Fundamentals (WebGL is a 2D API!)

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