graphical blog 2

Filed under: Blender, WebGL, 3d, network, news, software developement

Version en français
After a first article on WebGL, I come back on this topic for real usage.

Use in dev version of WebGL on Fennec (mobile firefox), go in about:config, fiter webgl, switch webgl.force-enable to true

On Linux plateform, no problem with Nvidia or ATI proprietary driver. On intel you should use Mesa 8.0. It’s available for ubuntu on ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa

* Firefox 11 (beta) and a plugin for older version called Tilt allow to see in 3d web pages structures accelerating vizualisation, interaction and bug finiding for webmasters.

Pyppet – WebGL Streaming blender< =>WebGL allow a realtime WebGL rendered visualisation in web browser of a scene in modelization process pipled from Blender.

minifier of GLSL files allow to comprress the size of a GLSL script, and then to accelerate web transfert and reduce bandwith.

As I thinked of WebGL as a good tool for some vizualisation in Wikipedia, Google, done an anatomic vizualisation tool. It allow in démos to see a human corpse with ZygotBody and a cow with Google Open-3d-viewer. Code source is available at Project page.

Augmented Reality sample from firefox project.

Cloudmach cloud WebGL games plateform

Seriously.js, realtime compositing on a vidéo. a nice demo.

Crazy bugs a nice puzzle.

Using WebGL for vector and 2D bitmap rendering and use fast and energy efficient hardware acceleration in interactve appliactions : WebGL Fundamentals (WebGL is a 2D API!)

françaisCet article existe également en français.

I bought a shuttle X27D (330€) that has got a 64 bit compatible, 2 core hyper-threaded (4 core with Linux, 512K cache for each one), ultra-low voltage (8W TDP) Atom 330, the one used in the SGI molecule supercomputer concept (10,000 cores in a rack), sadly, the North bridge has a greater TDP (around 23W) than the CPU. I choose the shuttle, because of the DVI connector. Every Atom 330 motherboards has only VGA and there are problem of detection in VGA between computers and my LCD screen.

As there wasn’t any 64 bit mode Atom test, I do one using Ubuntu. Ubuntu-8.10 liveCD crash at boot on atom 330, but Ubuntu 9.04 alpha works perfectly.

I used two tests, Hardinfo, mono-thread test included in Ubuntu and Blender well known bench using multithreading (4 threads for the 4 cores was used for this test).

Test Hardinfo MONOCORE

* Zlib compression (integers). greater is better

* Fibonacci suite (integers). lower is better

MD5 sum, used for file integrity (integers). greater is better

SHA1 encryption (integers). greater is better

Blowfish encryption (integers). littler is better

There are great difference between 32 bits and other in this test.

3D raytracing (floats). littler is better

The 64 bit mode is better than 32 bit mode for floats
The 32 bit mode is better than 64 bit mode for integers

As all these test are mono-threaded, performance of the CPU should be far better if multi-threaded, as this is the case on lot of application on GNU/Linux today.

Test multicore with Blender rendering
This test uses benchmark/

This test uses default Ubuntu or getdeb Blender, these version are not optimised for sse and so…
The atom330 has got : sse sse2 and ssse3 but no sse3 (could need patch for Hackintosh).

As Blender is perfectly multithreaded, it will use multicore. On Turion CPU, Getdeb version of Blender is used. Don’t know if Ubuntu Jaunty version is more optimized ???
Ubuntu 2.46 32bits version is faster than official one.

I can see on the window displaying the rendering that the 1024KB cache of Turion help him gain time by compute bigger blocks of the picture. The 512KB caches of Atom330 reduce the sizes of the block and the FPU performances of the CPU is lower than the Turion. The memory management that is externalized on Atom is also a bad point for him. Anyway Atom works really better in 64 bits mode than in 32 bits modes for floating numbers computation. Next generation of Atom including memory management included in CPU this year will probably has better results.

français Deux scripts sont apparus pour Blender, permettant de faire des échanges avec les SVG, format natif d’Inkscape.

  • Vectex permet d’importer des SVG sous forme de textures vectorielles dans Blender
  • PantoGraph quant à lui permet d’exporter les rendus des scènes 3D en SVG.
  • english Two scripts come that allow to exchanges files between Blender, Inkscape, using its native SVG format:

  • Vectex can import SVG as vector textures
  • PantoGraph allow to render 3D scenes into a SVG file.
  • Both these new come from Blendernation (its RSS is aggregated on home page.

    Blender & eeepc (le nouveau avec écran 8,9′ (1024×600) 12Go de SSD, une webcam 1,3MP et un peu plus fin arrive cet été pour 399 € :) (voir aussi tous les liens en bas de page).

    En attendant voici une capture d’écran de blender mode fenêtre, parfaitement fluide sur l’eeePC (avec les 512Mo de mémoire de base) sous eeeXubuntu.

    Bleeender, blender sur eeepc 701 4G

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