Tag Archives: linux

Linux syscall and RISC-V assembly

Sample of RISC-V assembly code

Syscall in Linux kernel, is an interface to access to kernel basic functions. They are described in section 2 of man pages. The introduction is in man 2 syscall (indirect system call), and the list of functions are described in man 2 syscalls. Update: System Calls in lectures of official Linux kernel documentation including “Linux system calls implementation”, “VDSO and virtual syscalls” and “Accessing user space from system calls”

This article follow previous one about RISC-V overall progress and available tools to play with, I will try to make a short article here about Linux syscall usage and the RISC-V assembly case.

Table of Content

* Description section of the man page
* Getting the list of function and how to access them
* Passing parameters
* Function number and registers of return values
* Return values and error code
* Compiling and executing on virtual environment
* Update: Bronzebeard assembler and its baremetal environment for real hardware

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Maral (Марал), cyrilic mongolian input method for ibus and update of archlinuxARM packages

Cyrillic mongolian input method for Ibus

I made a packet ibus-table-mongolian or Maral (Марал), cyrillique mongolian input method for ibus for ArchLinux (tested on ARM with ArchLinuxARM and x86_64 (with Antergos) in fact in “any”), but I obtain something strange. I will probably have to make a bug report.

Keyboard in this method should be disposition independant, it should be only based on US keyboard and don’t adapt to local keyboard, because the phonetic disposition is totally unrelated to latin caracter phonetic disposition. Mongolian keyboard strangly works perfectly with on ARM architecture, but adapt on locale keyboard on x86_64. The same problem appear on Ubuntu 14.04 for x86_64 that uses a really older version.

The defaut configuration file by author, Ochko, use the former ibus-table 1.3 version :


On more recent version, this should be :


I trie both definitions, and each time, I have the same difference between ARM et x86_64. I suppose this is a subtile problem like related to Endianess or something like that ça, but I don’t understand why for? You can still use default linux mongolian keyboard that works perfectly fine, but change between method is not smooth like with ibus.

Update of some archlinuxARM packages

As Entangle version 0.7.0, tool to remote control DSLR and 0AD a18 (a free software realtime strategy game), I updated those packest for ArchlinuxARM.

Download all this stuff

You can download thoses packets and associated PKGBUILD in my dedicated depot-folder.

Linux 4.0 (4.1 on june 25) kernel on Allwinner A20/Cubieboard2

Thanks to the hardware and software development work of AllWinner, to the Linux mainlining effort of the Linux-sunxi community to improve and push driver into main line Linux kernel sources and to the integration work of ArchLinux and ArchLinuxARM communities, the Cubieboard2 (using Allwinner A20 SoC) since this night officially use 4.0 kernel as default with ArchlinuxARM. Before this date an old Linux kernel 3.x branch was used.

* Linux XXX 4.0.5-2-ARCH #1 SMP Fri Jun 12 20:03:44 MDT 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux

This means that :
* Lots of NAND flash can be used for system
* CPU frequency is well managed now
* Most of driver are integrated and probably really stable.

25 june update, 11 days after the 4.0 : A new update occured today with linux kernel 4.1
* Linux XXX 4.1.0-1-ARCH #1 SMP Tue Jun 23 23:24:14 MDT 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux).