graphical blog 2

Updated after the results
A new national referendum will be submited to the Venezuela population that will deeply change some rules of the democracy :
* Presidential mandat will change from 5 to 7 years as in France 10 years ago, and could be renewed unlimited times if people want it, as in most of European countries, but with the ability for venezuelian people (as today) to still revoke the president by a mi-mandat referendum, which is not the case in Europeans countries.
* The people power of decision will be increased by new local popular commities, that will counterbalance state legal power and can ask for reforms by referendums.
* Worktime will be reduced to 6 hours a day and 36 hours a week, near from European work reforms from few years ago. I think this will allow more people to share work, as it should be in Europe if it was really applied, or reduce economic cross
* New kind of privacy will appear, this will give at least 5 kind of legal privacy (private, public, communal, social, collective)
* The agriculture process will be more restrictive to protect the ecosystem (it’s already more ecologically protective than in most industrialized countries). Latifundium will be forbidden.
* The national investors will have more abilities than foreign ones.
* There will be more social protection for independent workers.
* The army will be used more as civilian resources (army camps are already used as hospital at place where hospital is to small for some chirurgical operations or there is no hospital). In Venezuela, hospital is 100 % free for everyone, national people and foreigners.
* Universities directions should be now chosen by population too.
* The central bank that was totally independent will be partially dependent of government choices for economic choices.

Everyone was able to participate to the project (and lot of people particpated, that’s an example of the will of democracy of the human being ;) ).

Anyway some think than the process to choose the changes in the new constitution was too quick (3 months), students made strike to ask for a longer period before the referendum, allowing them to study deeper the changes and be able to critic them with objectivity as every laws should be.

I just seen today a well documented article about the will for some philosophers and politicians (as Robespierre, Varlet and Marquis de Sade (not well know for his political works) in his “Idée sur le mode de la sanction des Lois”) in the french revolution to make direct democracy, thinking any decision should be choosen by people too, and not only some elected representatives. This was not accepted by a mostly aristocratic government.

A better analysis of the situation and laws changes discussed in this referendum

Update here
This was rejected by a little majority of the voters (about 1,15 % of diff between yes and no) with a large abstention (45 %). Acceptation of the results by the government is another proof of democracy in a country where the government is pointed as dictator by most media of the ¥€$. In Europe, the European constitution largely rejected by Frenchs and Dutchs will be inconstitutionnaly forced by France UMP (Sarkonabot) & PS (Royale Canine) parties. In France, a part of the population started a petition (class action like) to block their illegal dictatorial action. Already more than 36.000 signatures in this petition.


  1. Bon ben raté…
    Les étudiants ont été plus écoutés qu’Hugo Chavez on dirait…
    au fait : je crois qu’il y a un bug dans l’envoi des commentaires : il faut refaire le message lorsque l’on demande un nouveau code !!!

    Comment by snupy — %AM %359 %Europe/Paris%q, %2007 @ %0:%Dec %p

  2. Alala, j’en ai de plus en plus marre des bugs gros comme des maisons de wordpress…
    Des choses aussi simples que ça n’ont pas de raison de ne pas marcher…

    Ah oui, j’ai oublié de dire qu’il y avais au moins 1 philosphe qui était cité dans ma référence :).
    Bon, ben comme ça, ils auront le temps d’étudier plus longuement le truc…

    Ils ont plus de chance que nous, on va nous refiler la constitution européenne sans rien nous demander…

    Comment by Administrator — %PM %894 %Europe/Paris%q, %2007 @ %0:%Dec %p

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