Tag Archives: linux

Inkscape0.91pre (and archLinuxARM test)

After a fist test of Inkscape 0.91pre, due to the number of changes, and improvement of reactivity, to resolved bugs, better multithread (with OpenMP), etc… I wanted to try it on my Cubieboard2, where it was usable for basic function, but a little slow for some advanced fucntions (like calligraphic tool).

I then compiled it on ArchlinuxARM to test it on my Cubieboard2, I put the paquet in mon micro-reprository ArchlinuxARM, because I still didn’t understand the process to submit it in yaourthouse of AUR (Arch User Repository) or inArchlinuxARM repository.

So then… that’s really fast. This uses both 2 Cortex-A7 CPU (need to be tested on quadcore far faster Cortex-A17 architectures like Rockchip RK3288 like Rikomagic MK802II LE (for Linux Edition), see demo) :). That’s now fully usable, blurs are still slow to draw, but display is relatively asyncrone.

For information, my video is recorded on a x86_64 with application remote display, using X11/tcp (via 100 Mb switch ), this explain some slowness and time shift in display.

Writing traditional mongol with Android and Linux

After the previous article: Writing traditional mongol with Firefox

* wrote a tutorial about creating traditionnal mongol input method for iBus. His site also contain mongolian course in english.
* Nationsoft.org (民族语言软件创新平台) 基于Android系统的蒙古文输入法 (traditional mongol input method, need to be registered).
* 基于Android平台的蒙古文输入法研究与实现 (Inner Mongolia University project)

FOSS handwriting recognition input with Linux

Handwrtting recognition system was standard tools in China and Japan, since 1980′s using graphics tablets pads, packaged with specialized software, beside lot of pure keyboard systems. In Europe, we needed to wait until end of 1990′s for handwritting systems in opensource software, and more recently for their democratisation. Those method can also help people without hands to write using foots, mouth or other device that allow to manipulate a more traditionnal writting tool like a pen or a brush.

Kanjipad (english language web site), is probably one of the older (since 1997) handwriting recognition system for Linux, but it is not really active those days.

Some new free softwares reached the opensources ecosystems since

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Lrcshow-X (sync lyrics) with Gmusicbrowser

Adapt Lrcshow-X with Gmusicbrowser is really easy. Only need to add Gmusicbrowser in the supportedPlayers list of the file players/__init__.py and to do a sed in a term:

sed 's/songbird/gmusicbrowser/g' <players/songbird.py >players/gmusicbrowser.py

Now you can launch lrcshow-X (after activating mpris1/2 plugins un Gmusicbrowser prefs.

Et voilà !!