Tag Archives: Android

Android without Google and GNU/Linux with APK


* GNU/Linux on your phone now
* GNU/Linux with Android APK compatibility layer
* Managing APK of a device
** Listing APK installed on the device
** Dumping an APK installed on the device
** Installing an APK onto the device from the computer
** Removing closed source spywares from your current Android system as a transition phase

Android will move from Linux kernel and open specs APK format to a more closed package format and to their closed source Fuschia kernel going away from Free Open Source software (FOSS) that make Google, Android, ChromeOS grow, but also that are used on most of the internet servers, on most of supercomputer in the world, on most spacecrafts, on most internet boxes, TVboxes, etc…

You can easily remove any package of your Android device, ever without root access, using adb from your computer (see full article for more details):

adb shell pm list packages
adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.google.android.gm

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Writing traditional mongol with Android and Linux

After the previous article: Writing traditional mongol with Firefox

* wrote a tutorial about creating traditionnal mongol input method for iBus. His site also contain mongolian course in english.
* Nationsoft.org (民族语言软件创新平台) 基于Android系统的蒙古文输入法 (traditional mongol input method, need to be registered).
* 基于Android平台的蒙古文输入法研究与实现 (Inner Mongolia University project)