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Bugs in firefox 52=>53 on ArchLinuxARM 32 bits (ARMv7h) and how to still use it

Firefox 53 currently doesn’t compile on ARMv7h, so only firefox 52 works on ALARM/armv7h, but as the 52 package is no more in git current version, ALARM compiling sysyem doesn’t compile it with updated dependencies (ICU moved from 58 to 59 and hunspell updated too. I didn’t managed to compile firefox-esr.

I compiled former version of this too libs to be able to make firefox 52 works again.
You can find both icu-58 and hunspell 1.5.4 packages here. PLEASE DON’T INSTALL THEM, you can reinstall firefox package itself if needed with pacman -U firefox-52.0.2-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
instead unarc them in a directory like this :

cd /tmp
mkdir unarc; cd unarc
tar xf hunspell-1.5.4-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz # lot of errors with SCHILY.fflags will be displayed
tar xf icu-58.2-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz # lot of errors with SCHILY.fflags will be displayed
cd usr/lib
sudo rsync -a** /usr/lib/
sudo rsync -a icu/58.2 /usr/lib/icu/

That’s done. You can now type firefox to launch it :)