* Introduction The list of existing ESP32-C3 SoC modules (with their specs) is very interesting, This one RISC-V core SoC has lower computing power than the ESP32-S3 (dual-core Xtensa ISA based, with a RISC-V co-processor core for “ultra low power” (ULP) mode), but RISC-V architecture is also far more efficient and will for sure have longer lifetime support and evolution due to its openness. ESP32-C3 use an RV32IMC (Integer, Multiplication/division and Compressed extensions) core. I bought for my test a ESP-C3-32S-Kit on AliExpress (for ~3.4€). There is also an interesting option, where you can use really tiny 3~4 € ESP-C3-01M-Kit programmer interface/mother board, with a SoC included alone on a daughter (ESP32-C3M with an on PCB antenna). This allows, to flash several pads one only one programmer board. This reduce size of the needed system for final application to just the SoC and it’s power supply and peripherals. Pads of the SoC daughter board are wide enough to be easily soldered. ESP-IDF is a tool to develop in C language on Espressif platforms, including ESP8266 and ESP32 series. It uses FreeRTOS free and open source embedded real-time OS for its SoCs. Sadly the official documentation for installing it is incomplete with the current state (November 2021) of GIT repository. Here is the mean to install a working ESP-IDF for this SoC series on Linux. This will be more compact and straight forward that the official with Linux+Windows installation. About RISC-V more generally, I created this week a list of available Open Source RISC-V implementations, and open sources tools to build them or work with them. Continue reading Table of Content
* Step 1, install dependencies
* Step 2, install ESP-IDF
* Step 3, setup working environment
* Step 4, test “Hello World” example
* Step 5, tune the target, if needed
* Step 6, flash the project
* Step 7, viewing the output
* Troubleshooting
** Invalid value for ‘{esp32|esp32s2}’: ‘esp32c3′ is not one of ‘esp32′, ‘esp32s2′
** libsodium/crypto_box/curve25519xchacha20poly1305/box_seal_curve25519xchacha20poly1305.c
** Flashing errors
*** Detection, power, and device that disappear
*** usbfs: interface 0 claimed by ch341 while ‘brltty’ sets config #1
** Problem with CA certificates bundleIntroduction
Category Archives: RISC-V
(Français) Courte introduction pratique à FPGA, Verilog et Verilator et quelques mots à propos de SystemVerilog
(Français) Art du Pixel 64×64×16 couleurs (Sweetie16) PixelArt avec Pixelorama « β-karoten – Nous savons qui sera mangé »
Linux syscall and RISC-V assembly
Syscall in Linux kernel, is an interface to access to kernel basic functions. They are described in section 2 of man pages. The introduction is in man 2 syscall
(indirect system call), and the list of functions are described in man 2 syscalls. Update: System Calls in lectures of official Linux kernel documentation including “Linux system calls implementation”, “VDSO and virtual syscalls” and “Accessing user space from system calls”
This article follow previous one about RISC-V overall progress and available tools to play with, I will try to make a short article here about Linux syscall usage and the RISC-V assembly case.
Table of Content
* Description section of the man page
* Getting the list of function and how to access them
* Passing parameters
* Function number and registers of return values
* Return values and error code
* Compiling and executing on virtual environment
* Update: Bronzebeard assembler and its baremetal environment for real hardware
RISC-V overall progress
WordPress is so cumbersome (brut long text in SQL DB and other misconception (WTF?), buggy (especially to multilingual content missing) and hard to maintain on long term that I didn’t posted for long time I want to migrate. You can test the new log engine (here specialised in TIC-80 256 bytes code on https://256b.popolon.org/.
I continued my travel toward RISC-V I started as said in a previous post in may 2018.
RISC-V Benefits
Among the benefit of RISC-V beside other implementations:
* Open source and without license fee availability, allowing everyone to participate, implement and have full specifications
* Highest modularity for a processor in specifications, You can reduce the core to only the set of functions you want for a specific tasks, allowing less transistor/more compact specialized cores, and then multiply cores with some specialized in some kind of tasks.
* Vector extension