Bronzebeard is a Python RV32i assembler building bare-metal bootable code for GD32V (Longan Nano and Wio Lite) Example of usage: * A Mandebrot ensemble: * Lz4 decoder Article describing settings everything for a DIY bare-metal booting with GNU Toolchain and OpenOCD I wrote an article about Linux syscall and RISC-V assembly: Hello World is an example of simple Hello World in RISC-V assembly on Linux. the .bash_history contains a quick and dirty backup of some commands used on the Qemu VM to assemble/link it (and compile TIC80) === RISC-V Vector extension 0.7.1 === * Fetch and compile binutils (including gnu as and ld) to assemble/link RISC-V Vextor extension v0.7.1 (RVV-0.1.7) as used on AllWnner D1 To compile your piece of assembly code (march is mandatory): /opt/rvv-0.7.1/bin/as -march=rv64gcv -o HelloWorld.o HelloWorld.s /opt/rvv-0.7.1/bin/ld -o HelloWorld HelloWorld.o