05/01/2022 It can run over xfel currently. I'll upload it, hang on... xfel ddr ddr3 xfel write 0x40000000 oreboot-licheerv.bin xfel exec 0x40000000 It takes a while to transfer via USB, like 50 seconds or so, that's nornal. You will end up in a shell. The framebuffer is for some reason off by 38 on the x and 56 on the y axis, which is why you only see a Tux foot. ^^ Anyway, you can echo " HELLO!" > /dev/tty1 And for graphics: fbtest -stride 320 -x 60 -y 60 -height 600 I have some errors in the defaults and calculations, but at least you'll see a blue Gopher that way. :-) original URL: https://metaspora.org/oreboot-licheerv.bin