DISCLAIMER ========== Files and directories are gathered from several sources aound the net, mainly found from the Telegram "Mainline Linux for D1" and "Sipeed" channels. Everything here is freely available, but sometime protected against bot download, due to bw limitation, and/or on slow speed lines, making things harder to download. I believe I can deliver fast mirror, I hope this mirror will facilatate work of AllWinner D1 and D1s/F133 developers and help the adoption of this SoC, and more generally RISC-V based SoCs. D1 also called D1-H (H stand dor HDMI by opposition to D1s that doesn't have HDMI output). Official Allwinner documentation: https://d1.docs.aw-ol.com/ https://linux-sunxi.org/D1 D1s or F133-A is a low cost variant of D1 https://linux-sunxi.org/D1s C-Sky/T-Head buildroot https://gitlab.com/c-sky/buildroot/-/tree/master#build-bootext4-kernel-opensbi-dtb-rootfs Sipeed repository https://dl.sipeed.com/shareURL/LICHEE/D1 SDK https://dl.linux-sunxi.org/D1/SDK/projects/ : For downloading one of the git, for exemple, tools.git use (when certificate is invalide): git clone -c http.sslVerify=false https://dl.linux-sunxi.org/D1/SDK/projects/tools.git/ Register an official Allwinner account step-by-step: https://www.cnx-software.com/2021/05/02/allwinner-d1-sdk-linux-risc-v-documentation/ In chinese https://d1.docs.aw-ol.com/study/study_2getsdk/ Mainline-friendly SPL for D1: sun20i_d1_spl https://github.com/smaeul/sun20i_d1_spl/ eBROM_RV_vs_ARM.jpg Boards ====== Sipeed boards (D1) https://sipeed.com * Allwinner Nezha (SBC), also made by RVBoards. * Lichee-RV 7001 (SOM), with several options: :* 240x320 st7789v screen :* Lichee-RV dock (HDMI, USB, pins, optionnal WiFi :* LicheeRV-86 a box with a 480×480 LCD touch screen Dir: LicheeRV/ Mango Pi boards (D1 & D1s) https://mangopi.org * MangoPi MQ1 board or MangoPi-Nezha MQ (D1s) * MPi-MQ Pro (D1) Dir: MangoPi/ DIY Xassette-Asterisk (D1s): https://www.cnx-software.com/2021/10/30/open-source-hardware-allwinner-d1s-risc-v-linux-sbc/ Dir: XassetteAsterisk/ Yuzuki Nezha (D1s): https://bbs.aw-ol.com/topic/922/开源-yuzukinezha-d1s-核心板-mini-pice-核心板 kernels ======== Various made kernels that work with D1 Sunxi community =============== https://linux-sunxi.org/D1 https://linux-sunxi.org/Category:D1_Devices https://linux-sunxi.org/Sipeed_Lichee_RV https://linux-sunxi.org/Allwinner_Nezha gpio in Lichee-RV with tina (in chinese): https://bbs.sipeed.com/thread/1300 fbtft driver (could be used with the screen packaged with Lichee-RV) https://github.com/notro/tinydrm/wiki/fbtft https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/11/09/xuantie-c906-based-allwinner-risc-v-processor-to-power-12-linux-sbcs/ Linux patched kernels ====================== * After fedora wiki, Allwinner kernel (mainline): https://github.com/chinchilla222/nezha-d1 * Smaeul kernel (mainline): https://github.com/smaeul/linux A build script with mainline kernel + patchs based on Smaeul kernel with some fixes: https://gist.github.com/orangecms/df0d3c15f9e32b5c708c021c4be8857b#5180-rc Linux Distributions =================== * ArchLinux: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/User:Cmsigler/RISC-V ** image builder (using patched mainline kernel): https://github.com/sehraf/riscv-arch-image-builder * Debian: https://wiki.debian.org/RISC-V ovsienko/RVBoards_D1_Debian_lxde_img_linux_v0.4.1.img.zip has more features (>=32GB microSD needed) strange format (Android?) : Boot sequence on ASCIInema https://asciinema.org/a/461759 (local copy: LicheeRV/RVBoards_D1_Debian_lxde_img_linux_v0.4.1.img_boot.cast ) : Just DD the image : I made a tutorial to install a available usage and tune some parameters https://popolon.org/gblog3/?p=2261 : Someone made a tutorial for creating own image, using a given kernel and standard Debian bootstrap rootfs https://andreas.welcomes-you.com/boot-sw-debian-risc-v-lichee-rv/ * Fedora: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V * OpenEmbedded/Yocto: https://github.com/riscv/meta-riscv * OpenEuler: https://gitee.com/openeuler/RISC-V * OpenWRT: https://github.com/xfguo/riscv-openwrt * Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RISC-V : LicheeRV/Sipeed_mirror/LicheeRV/image/licheerv_d1_1.14lcd_ub2004.tgz : ASCIInema of boot sequence: https://asciinema.org/a/461753 (local copy: LicheeRV/licheerv_d1_1.14lcd_ub2004.tgz_boot.cast ) : Follow this to install: https://popolon.org/gblog3/?p=2246 : On Twitter: Franz Chow Lichee RV run Ubuntu 20.04, powered by kernel 5.16,opensbi payload kernel… @SipeedIO) https://twitter.com/curliph/status/1473589514593783808?t=v8lVrG0WmJMAImkNzO21-A&s=19 This shows that the Lichee-RV can be powered by serial port using an USB-serial wire dock pins has serial too and can also be used for power). Booting ======= * https://github.com/riscv-software-src/opensbi * https://github.com/smaeul/u-boot * https:/:github.com/oreboot/oreboot ( https://github.com/oreboot/oreboot/tree/main/src/mainboard/sunxi/nezha ) Building images ================= * https://framagit.org/popolon/bottier/ allow to build bootable images with various kernel (mainline, patched), tested with D1 on MangoPi and Lichee RV) Other OS ======== * FreeBSD https://wiki.freebsd.org/riscv * NetBSD http://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/riscv/ https://github.com/MengshiLi/openbsd-riscv-notes * OpenBSD https://www.openbsd.org/riscv64.html https://github.com/MengshiLi/openbsd-riscv-notes Since OpenBSD 7.0 https://www.cnx-software.com/2021/10/18/openbsd-7-0-adds-64-bit-risc-v-improves-apple-arm-silicon-support/ * Haiku https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/building/compiling-riscv64